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Monday, June 27, 2011

LMAO, duuuuuuuuuuuude

I HAVE A DOG. HE`S NAME IS BRADIE THE FUCKIN' CAT`/Shaun/Banaynay. But let`s call him Bradie, kay?
Yerr, so I haven't written anything for a long long time, eh? Sad, very sad.
So school`s over, hope you`re all happy. I know I am.
Soyeah, lately I've been living in this... weird.. my own little world. Music, Twitter, music, Stardoll, music, Bradie. It`s killing me, really. Like, I could go out with people, but I`ve realized that I hate being in a crowd. I can't take it without music. I sleep, eat, walk, talk with music in my head or earphones on. Yer.
And, I don't watch TV anymore. Sometimes, but not as much as I used to.
Aaanyways, YES, I have changed. A lot. And actually, isn't it interesting to read my blog and see how I've changed from a little naive child to what I am now.
Par suni - viņu sauc Breidijs ( vispār jau būtu bijis Endijs, bet to grūti pasaukt) viņš ir melns ar baltu plankumiņu uz krūtīm. Breidijam ir tikai 1 mēnesis, tāpēc viņš tikai ēd, dzer, guļ un dažkārt, tikai dažkārt spēlējas...
Es viņu dabūju vakar :}
Yaah, so... I guess.. see you next time, kids ;3